The Portal
Performing the Precarious, Day into Night
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Photograph by Ted Roeder.
Cori Olinghouse, The Animal Suite: Experiments in Vaudeville and Shapeshifting (2011/2013). Performance by Neal Beasley. Video by Peter W Richards.
When we lose certain people, or when we are dispossessed from a place, or a community, we may simply feel that we are undergoing something temporary, that mourning will be over and some restoration of prior order will be achieved. But maybe when we undergo what we do, something about who we are is revealed, something that delineates the ties we have to others, that shows us that these ties constitute what we are, ties or bonds that compose us. . .
― Judith Butler, Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence
Sandy's violent arrival reminded those of us in the urban environment of our precarious situation and shared fragility when confronted with the forces of nature. Day Into Night will be a series of simultaneous dances or "poems in space" in which eight choreographers respond to Sandy, to each other, to the vast architecture of the industrial space and to the fading light at the end of day.
Performing the Precarious, a two-part intervention into the galleries, was presented as part of Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Year 1.