The Portal
Sensate Cinema
Sky Hopinka, When you’re lost in the rain (2018).
Sensate Cinema is a program of contemporary short film and video works that use the cinema as a space for exploring connections between sensation and perception. Works by Mel Baggs, Sky Hopinka, Steffani Jemison, Simon Liu, Elliot Montague, and Jordan Lord blur oppositions between subject/object, orality/textuality, legibility/illegibility, and orientation/disorientation. Collectively they trace varied and distinct encounters on a horizon of co-presence.
This program exists as part of our on-going research project, Practices for Slow Encounters. As such, we have created--in collaboration with other artists and scholars--supplementary ‘playlists’ for each of the works in the above program. We do this, in part, to highlight the interdisciplinary thinking that undergirds our research methodologies, and as an offering to the filmmakers for participating in this program. These playlists are a practice (and process) of world-making; one we hope you will join in building. Each film currently has a Google Folder, where you will find materials that relate--sometimes explicitly, sometimes obliquely--to the work.
— Cori Olinghouse and Jules Rosskam
Visit the below link to access and contribute to the Practices for Slow Encounters playlists.